






北京师范大学生命科学学院 1991-1997 生态学博士
北京联合大学自动化工程学院 1987-1991 自动控制本科



2022/10-现在 青合循环经济与碳中和研究院 院长
2020/10-2022/10 中华环保联合会绿色循环普惠专委会 秘书长
2019/12-2020/10 北京绿普惠网络科技有限公司 董事长
2018/9-2019/11 中国合成树脂协会塑料循环再生利用专委会 秘书长
2008/8-2018/8 联合国环境署驻华代表处 官员
2007/10-2008/7 国际竹藤组织 高级官员
2002/4-2007/9 国际昆虫生理生态研究所 研究员
2001/4-2002/4 以色列工学院&荷兰瓦赫宁根大学 博士后
1998/12-2001/03 北京师范大学生态所 副教授
1997/09– 1998/12 日本国立农业环境研究所 STA博士后
1.“践行循环经济,助力双碳战略”2023我们走向何方?- 经济观察网 - 专业财经新闻网站 (eeo.com.cn)
1.《零碳未来青少年校园/社区指南》为公众参与绿色低碳生活提供量化指导-经济观察网 (eeo.com.cn)
2. 构建零碳社区与绿色生活方式的形成-经济观察网 (eeo.com.cn)
3. 一场关于零碳思维的对话:行为和设计的关系 (eeo.com.cn)
4. 一场关于零碳思维的对话:碳和产品设计的关系 (eeo.com.cn)
5. 数字化与绿色发展 – 经济观察网 - 专业财经新闻网站 (eeo.com.cn)
6. 地球日里话零碳工厂-经济观察网 (eeo.com.cn)
7. 蒋南青:对于消费型企业来说,光靠可再生能源不足以做到零碳排放_新浪财经_新浪网 (sina.com.cn)
8. 中和农信探索新能源项目助力乡村振兴创新模式 (eeo.com.cn)
1.蒋南青:关注国际环境治理进程做好供应链管理_凤凰网 (ifeng.com)
2. 中小企业关注ESG推动新型供应链出海 (msn.cn)
3.蒋南青:推动可持续消费需要加强政策协调性 (sdg-china.net)
4.碳普惠:有效实现碳中和的消费端减排机制(一) – 经济观察网 - 专业财经新闻网站 (eeo.com.cn)
5.碳普惠:有效实现碳中和的消费端减排机制 (eeo.com.cn)
6.可持续消费的碳减排机制 (eeo.com.cn)
7.碳普惠和循环经济 (eeo.com.cn)
8.碳普惠核算方法和市场机制 (eeo.com.cn)
1. 中国塑料循环利用的可持续发展-经济观察网 (eeo.com.cn)
2. 中国循环再生行业如何在国际治理规则中发展?(eeo.com.cn)
3. 塑料公约谈判大会INC-3加速塑料全球治理-经济观察网 (eeo.com.cn)
4. 中国可降解塑料现状 (eeo.com.cn)
5. 中国可降解塑料政策、标准和需求 – 经济观察网 - 专业财经新闻网站 (eeo.com.cn)
6. 中国电子电器行业循环再生趋势 (eeo.com.cn)
7. 电子行业成为欧盟数字产品护照首选行业 – 经济观察网 - 专业财经新闻网站 (eeo.com.cn)
8. 上海金桥汇聚绿色低碳循环创新力量 (eeo.com.cn)
9. 回收再生向精细化迈进促消费端减排 (eeo.com.cn)
10.新能源汽车回收再生技术装备解决方案 – 经济观察网 - 专业财经新闻网站 (eeo.com.cn)
11.循环经济成为众多国际组织的热点 (http://www.eeo.com.cn/2024/1104/696035.shtml)
13.蒋南青,谁该为塑料垃圾埋单?南方周末, 2019-10-08
15.Nanqing Jiang, Extending responsibility for plastic waste, China Daily, 2019. 12.11
Journal articles: 杂志文章
中国可持续发展评论,2023,vol 01(1).
2. 中 国 海 洋 渔 网 回 收 再 生 的 可 行 路 径 分 析— 以 海 南 省 三 亚 市 为 例。杨超杰,谢周佩,李嘉诚,胡鹏岩,蒲冰梅,李 倩,郭 峰,蒋南青
3. 蒋南青,2023,《零碳校园/社区行动指南》
4. 蒋南青,《2022年中国气候变化绿皮书》:碳普惠:有效实现碳中和的消费端减排机制
5.  蒋南青,《碳中和行动:绿色公益推进气候治理》:绿色出行的破局。
6. 常纪文,蒋南青,建议将生活消费端碳减排通过平台纳入自愿减排交易。《调查研究报告》2022年第41号(总6555号)
7. 蒋南青,建立互联可追溯激励机制推动低值废弃物的回收再生利用。中华环境保护基金会“美团外卖青山计划专项基金”环保顾问团专家视点栏目。2021年1月
13.如何把‘无处安放’的塑料垃圾资源化,WTO 可持续发展导刊, 2019
15.Green Environment for Development, China Today, 2015.
16.Food Waste, Natural Resource Bulletin, 2017(4)
17.Reducing Food Waste, World Environment, 2017(4),21-24.
18.Energy Supply and Demand needs Matching, Energy Review, 2017(3) .
19.Sustainable Consumption follows Life Cycle,  China Environment, 2015 (5) :47-48. 
20.Economy Roadmaps: UNEP-China Partnership. China Today, 2010 59(11)

1.UNICEF-UNDP joint project Consultant,China’s Plastic Recycling Innovative Solutions for Social Good and South-South Cooperation. 2021.8


3.China Sustainable Consumption Research Program: Report on Consumer Awareness and Behaviour Change in Sustainable Consumption, 2017, UN 10YFP

4.The China Climate Change Partnership Framework-Final Report (2012) United Nations System.


1.塑料垃圾漂浮筏(Junk Raft):一次海洋航行和一场抗击塑料污染的浪潮涌起。翻译,中国环境出版社,2021年5月 Junk Raft: China Environment Press. 2021.
1 Global Environment Outlook 5 (Chinese Version), August 2012, UNEP
2 Global Environment Outlook 5 for Youth (Chinese Version), July 2015, UNEP
3 Global Environment Outlook 5 for Business (Chinese Version), July 2015, UNEP
4 Green Economy and Trade (Chinese Version), Aug 2015, UNEP
5 Sustainability of Supply Chains and Sustainable Public Procurement: A Pre Study (Chinese Version) Oct 2015, UNEP
6 The Climate and Environmental Benefits of Controlling SLCPs in China, Dec 205, UNEP&PRCEE
7 District Energy in Cities (Chinese Version), Dec 2015, UNEP
8 A Review of Air Pollution in Beijing: 1998-2013, May 2016, UNEP
9 Review of the Kubuqi Ecological Restoration Project: A Desert Green Economy Pilot Initiative, September 2015, UNEP
10 Green Airport: Runway to Sustainable Development- Assessment Report on Beijing Capital International Airport, Nov 2017, UN Environment
11 Transforming to a Participatory  Environmental Governance System -Learning from US Experience, World Resource Institute Working Paper, Nov 2016

Journal papers:

1 Gounou, S., Jiang, N., Schulthess F. 2009. Long-term seasonal fluctuations of lepidopteran cereal stemborers and their natural enemies on maize and wild host plants in southern Benin. Insect Science, 16(4), 329-341.
2 Mucheru, O. M., Jiang, N.,  Kongoro, J., Bruce, A. Y., Schulthess F.. 2009. Intrinsic competition between two oligophagous parasitoids, Sturmiopsis parasitica and Cotesia sesamiae, attacking the same life stages of lepidopteran cereal stemborers. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 130(1), 10-20. 
3 Jiang, N., G. Zhou, W.A. Overholt, F. Schulthess. 2008. A two host-two parasitoid model and its potential application for biological control of cereal stem borers in Kenya. Population Ecology, 50(4), 405-416. 
4 Jiang, J., Li, B., Jiang, N., Zhu, W., Yu, Y., Chen, X. 2008. Impact of the Snow Disaster Occurred in 2008 in South China to the Clump Bamboo in South Sichuan. Scientia Silvae Sinicae 44(11),
5 M. Songa, J.M., Jiang, N., Schulthess F., Omwega, C. 2007. The role of intercropping different cereal species in controlling lepidopteran stemborers on maize in Kenya. Journal of Applied Entomology, 131, 40-49.
6 Jiang, N., Zhou, G., Overholt, W. A., Muchugu, E., Schulthess, F. 2006. The temporal correlation and spatial synchrony in the stemborer and parasitoid system of Coast Kenya with climate effects. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 42, 371-380.
7 Ali, A.I., Jiang, N., Schulthess, F., Ogol, C.K.P.O., Omwega, C. O. 2006. Effect of nitrogen fertilizer level on infestations of lepidopterous stemborers and yields of maize in Zanzibar. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 42, 481-486.
8 Mgoo, V. H., Makundi, R. H., Pallangyo, B., Schulthess, F., Jiang, N. (corresponding author), C. O. Omwega. 2006. Yield loss due to the stemborer Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) at different nitrogen application rates to maize. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 42, 487-494.
9 Muli, B., Schulthess, F., Maranga, R. O., Kutima, H. L., Jiang, N. (corresponding author). 2006. Interspecific competition between Xanthopimpla stemmator Thunberg and Dentichasmias busseolae Heinrich (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), pupal Parasitoids of Chilo partellus (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Biological Control, 36, 163-170.
10 Muturi, J. J., Mueke, J.M., Schulthess, F., Jiang, N. (corresponding author). 2006. Multiparasitism by Xanthopimpla stemmator (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) and Pediobius furvus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) on Chilo partellus (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and Busseola fusca (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).  Biocontrol Science and Technology, 16, 49-60. 
11 Jiang, N., Schulthess, F. 2005. Effect of nitrogen fertilizer level of maize on development of Chilo partellus and performance of its larval parasitoid Cotesia flavipes. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 95, 1-10.
12 E. Yano, Jiang, N., L. Hemerik, M. Mochizuki, T. Mitsunaga, T. Shimoda. 2005. Time allocation of Orius sauteri in attacking Thrips palmi on an eggplant leaf. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 117, 177-184.
13 Setamou, M., Jiang, N., Schulthess, F. 2005. Effect of different host plants on the survivorship of Chilo partellus and performance of its larval parasitoid Cotesia flavipes. Biological Control, 32, 183-190.
14 Jiang, N., M. Setamou, A. Ngi-Song, C. Omwega. 2004. Performance of Cotesia flavipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in parasitizing Chilo partellus (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) as affected by temperature and host stage. Biological Control, 31, 155-164.
15 Jiang, N., Rumei Xu, J. C. van Lenteren, and H. J. W. van Roermund, 1999. Temporal and spatial analysis of greenhouse whitefly and its parasitoid Encarsia formosa in two types of greenhouse ecosystems. Journal of Applied Entomology, 123, 547-554.
16 Harvey, J. A., Jervis, M.A., Gols, R. Jiang, N., and Vet, L.E.M. 1999. Development of the parasitoid, Cotesia rubecula (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in Pieris rapae and Pieris brassicae (Lepidoptera: Pieridae): evidence for host regulation. Journal of Insect Physiology, 45, 173-182.
17 Jiang, N., J. J. Colbert, Wen Jin, Rumei Xu. 1998. A simplified model of foliage-gypsy moth-parasite system. Resource Technology 1997: Beijing International Symposium Proceeding. Eds. Chinese Academy of Forestry, USDA Forest Service, Resource Technology Institute. China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing, 161-169.
18 Harvey, J. A., Vet, L.E.M., Jiang, N., and Gols, R. 1998. Nutritional ecology of the interaction between larvae of the gregarious ectoparasitoid, Muscidifurax raptorellus (Hymenoptera pteromalidae) and their pupal host, Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae). Physiological Entomology, 23, 113-120.
19 Colbert, J. J, Xu Rumei & Jiang Nanqing. 1995. A Simplified Gypsy Moth Model System: model definition and description. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture, 13, 115-131.
20 Jiang, N., Xu Rumei, J. J. Colbert. 1995. A Simplified Gypsy Moth Model System: global behavior and parameter analysis. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 13, 133-153.
21 Jiang, N., G. Zhou, Jing Shen, R. Xu, and Y. Huang. 1998. The information management system of the ecological system of Fildes Peninsula, Antarctic. Chinese Journal of Oceanography Science: Bulletin of China Antarctic Exploration, 80-84. (In Chinese).
22 Jiang, N., Shen J., Xu R., 2000. Studies on population ecology of the limpet Nacella concinna in the intertidal zone of Fildes Peninsula, Antarctic: spatial dsitrubiton patterns. Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica, Vol. 31, 513-517. (In Chinese)
23 Huang F.P., Wu B.L., Xu R., Jiang,  N. 1999. Studies on the population ecology of the limpet Nacella concinna in the intertidal zone of Fildes Peninsula, Antarctic: seasonal variation of population density and vertical distribution. . Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica, 30(6), 616-623. (In Chinese)
24 Xu Rumei, Jiang Nanqing, Wang Wei, Wang Zhuqiang. 1993. Analysis of the ecological efficiencies and economic profits of different types of greenhouse ecosystems.  Natural Science Bulletin of Beijing Normal University 29(4), 536-542. (In Chinese)







